Four days in ChicagoThe last time I stayed in a big city was in 2004, when I traveled to Buenos Aires, Argentina. But at that moment I didn't have any knowledge about digital photography, neither a digital camera so this was literally my first time in a big city taking some photographs. I got to admit, I’m not a city person, but as a photographer, walking through the streets was one of the things I enjoyed the most from those four days in Chicago. So many colors, lines, and reflections; the people in the streets, their expressions. Four days it seems to be not enough.
Chicago is a beautiful city indeed, full of culture and diversity. This is a collection of photographs of what I got the chance to capture. Some of them were shoot with my cell phone and a GoPro. Enjoy! |
Blog categoriesLandscape
South Dakota: Landscape treasure Four days in Chicago A trip to Utah-Arches National Park in Moab A trip to Utah-Canyonlands in Moab A trip to Utah-Deadhorse State Park and La sal Loop Road A trio To Utah Bear River Migratory bird Rafuge and Antelope Island State Park Colorado Monument National Park Black Canyon of the Gunnison NPS- A geologic jewel Between the forest and the sea-Acadia National Park Un día en Cape Cod Birdwatching en Iguazú Culture
Calle San Sebastian Festival 2017 Circo Fest 2017-when happiness rules Volunteer for love The life that never dies Calle San Sebastian 2019- the people's view Loiza-Fiestas de Santiago Apóstol 2018 Batey de Los Ayala y Procesión de Santiago Apostol de las Mujeres en Loiza Máscaras de La Plena Mascaras de La Bomba |