Backyard wondersOne afternoon, five years ago, I was walking in my backyard. Obviously with my camera, at that time was a Nikon Coolpix P500. Between the sounds of common birds I noticed a different one. Searching for what was making that sound, in a branch near me I found the beautiful and tiny San Pedrito, an endemic bird from Puerto Rico that I always wanted to see, and never got the chance. For me it was an exciting moment. Between the nervousness, the precision for photographing such a tiny bird and photograph it before it flies away made my hands shake. That afternoon I realized that I don’t need to go to any special protected area to see beautiful and interesting things, that the San Pedrito is just a part of an amazing world we may have right in the back of our own houses.
Since that day my backyard became my refuge. Every time I need to make contact with nature and don’t have the time to get in my car and drive to some forest or natural reserve, there is my backyard. Day or night, rainy or not, I'm always discovering new things. Wonderful creatures to photograph, wonderful moments to capture. Here is a selection of some pictures I took this year, 2017, so far. |
Blog categoriesLandscape
South Dakota: Landscape treasure Four days in Chicago A trip to Utah-Arches National Park in Moab A trip to Utah-Canyonlands in Moab A trip to Utah-Deadhorse State Park and La sal Loop Road A trio To Utah Bear River Migratory bird Rafuge and Antelope Island State Park Colorado Monument National Park Black Canyon of the Gunnison NPS- A geologic jewel Between the forest and the sea-Acadia National Park Un día en Cape Cod Birdwatching en Iguazú Culture
Calle San Sebastian Festival 2017 Circo Fest 2017-when happiness rules Volunteer for love The life that never dies Calle San Sebastian 2019- the people's view Loiza-Fiestas de Santiago Apóstol 2018 Batey de Los Ayala y Procesión de Santiago Apostol de las Mujeres en Loiza Máscaras de La Plena Mascaras de La Bomba |